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22 February 2021

Ansible testing components


Ansible testing components

To test Ansible, I use quite a number of components. This page lists the components uses, their versions, and where they are used.

Component Used Latest Used where
ansible 2.9 2.9.18 tox.ini
ansible 2.10 2.10.7 tox.ini
molecule >=3,<4 c docker-github-action-molecule
tox latest n.a. docker-github-action-molecule
ansible-lint latest e docker-github-action-molecule
pre-commit 2.9.3 v2.10.1 installed on development desktop.
molecule-action 2.6.16 g .github/workflows/molecule.yml
github-action-molecule 3.0.6 h .gitlab-ci.yml
ubuntu 20.04 20.04 .github/workflows/galaxy.yml
ubuntu 20.04 20.04 .github/workflows/molecule.yml
ubuntu 20.04 20.04 .github/workflows/requirements2png.yml
ubuntu 20.04 20.04 .github/workflows/todo.yml
galaxy-action 1.1.0 m .github/workflows/galaxy.yml
graphviz-action 1.0.7 n .github/workflows/requirements2png.yml
checkout v2 o .github/workflows/requirements2png.yml
checkout v2 o .github/workflows/molecule.yml
todo-to-issue v2.3 p .github/workdlows/todo.yml
python 3.9 3.9 .travis.yml
pre-commit-hooks v3.4.0 r .pre-commit-config.yaml
yamllint v1.26.0 v1.26.0 .pre-commit-config.yaml
my pre-commit v1.4.5 u .pre-commit-config.yaml
fedora 33 33 docker-github-action-molecule