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4 November 2018

Molecule and ARA


Molecule and ARA

To test playbooks, molecule is really great. And since Ansible Fest 2018 (Austin, Texas) clearly communicated that Molecule will be a part of Ansible, I guess it’s safe to say that retr0h’s tool will be here to stay.

When testing, it’s even nicer to have great reports. That’s where ARA comes in. ARA collects job output as a callback_plugin, saves it and is able to display it.

Here is how to set it up.

Install molecule

pip install molecule

Install ara

pip install ara

Start ara

ara-manage runserver

Configure molecule to use ara

Edit molecule.yml, under provisioner:

  name: ansible
      callback_plugins: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ara/plugins/callbacks

Now point your browser to http://localhost:9191/ and run a molecule test:

molecule test